Online Meetings the "new normal"

TPM3: Making progress, but covid-19 kicks in!

Online, September 2020


  • ISA: Inemarie Dekker, Tim Hertsenberg, Milena Alcorta

  • GAME: Laura Bendix Pedersen, Emily van Ronek

  • University of Bedfordshire: Stuart Wilson, Peter Craig

  • StreetGames: Kelly Burdett, Lauren Thomas

  • Stad Antwerpen: Arvid van Leeuwen, Pia Plasmans

TPM3 was held online due to international travel restrictions - and now everyone is a pro at Zoom meetings as working from home is the new normal!!

The meeting was full of energy and interactive sessions led by different partners who were leading on the different Intellectual Outputs. There was a main focus on finalising the research and developing the ideas and themes for the girls engagement handbook, led by GAME.

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