Girls Engagement Guidebook


 About this guide

This easy-to-use guide takes learnings from a wide range of organizations along with ideas and inputs from coaches and girls and translates them into actionable tools and tips on how to involve and engage girls in sport and get them moving! 

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Be Welcoming:

Create the best environment

Create a fun, supportive and trusting atmosphere. Set norms and expectations that foster a safe space where everyone feels confident that they will not be judged for showing up as they are.

Be supportive:

Build trust and relationships

A trustful relationship between the coach and the girls is essential. As a coach you must be curious and emphatic and listen to the girls. Girls may need to talk about off-the-field issues.

Be adaptable:

Offer something for everyone

It is important to make sure to bridge the girls’ different levels and to pay attention to the girls who are beginners and might need some extra support. A sport or activity that requires very specific and multiple skills at once can be difficult for girls who are not experienced in doing sports.

Be inclusive:

Focus on participation

Create a safe space where the girls can be themselves, and where it is acceptable to fail. Encourage the girls to be brave, not perfect. Positive performance is about showing the girls how to be good team players, to encourage each other, and cheer on each other.

Be reliable:

Show dedication and consistency

A good coaching team is important for a successful sport activity. Make sure to maintain stability both in terms of keeping a minimum of cancelled trainings but also in regard to the coaches.

Be social:

Encourage fun and friendship

Maintain a sport setting that supports positive social experiences within the setting and outside of sport. Feeling a sense of acceptance and group belonging and having opportunities to build and cultivate friendships strengthens continued motivation and participation.

Be encouraging:

Provide different opportunities to grow

Feeling confident about playing and developing new skills instead of how well one performs in competition are key individual factors to fuel motivation and support girls’ participation in sport. Explore different ways for the girls to progress.

Be collaborative:

Share ownership

Create a culture where it is natural for the girls to speak up and give feedback and inputs. As a coach you must be willing and able to adapt to the girls wants and needs and involve the girls in defining the activities.

8 Key Themes (interactive)

Girls Engagement Guidebook - Interactive PDF