Design our Logo Competition

Are you creative? Are you passionate about girls participation in sport? Could you design our project logo?

November 2019

‘She Got Game!’ is all about helping community sport coaches and organisations to change the way they think about female sports interventions. 'How do we design these interventions?', 'how do we implement them?', and 'how do we evaluate these programmes to be as effective as possible?'

In short:  'how do we increase girls' engagement in sport?'


As part of this project, we'll be working with organisations from England, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium to develop a new ‘how-to guide’, covering all sorts of topics, challenges and advice on best practice.

We'll also be developing a new training offer to better support your volunteers, coaches, organisations and champions - helping you re-think your approach to young women and communities, not just as potential participants, but as valuable assets to be learned from!

This includes a greater focus on the voices of the girls themselves (both active and non-active participants), as well as a bigger emphasises on the inclusion of girls within your programmes.


To celebrate the launch of this new initiative, we are announcing an exciting 'arts and crafts' competition. The contest, which is open to young people aged 12 - 25, tasks participants with designing an all-new logo for the project!


The prize for the winning design will be:

·         a framed picture of your logo

·         the chance to see your artwork published in print and online

·         a special prize worth 100 Euros (or an equivalent amount in your local currency)

How to Enter

Check out the competition brief below

Submit your design to with the subject heading ‘She Got Game Logo’

Good Luck and Happy Designing!


Design our Logo Brief


·         The winning logo will appear on all of our print and digital materials - including on our websites, social media platforms, team clothing, and event banners etc.

·         Your design can be as colourful and intricate, or as simple and straightforward as you like. All styles are welcome!

·         The logo should be easily visible in both black and white as well as full colour

·         Please avoid creating logos that are long, tall or skinny, as these are hard for us to use. Logos based around squares, circles or rectangles tend to work best!


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